Were Back From Conference!

This year’s England and Wales Conference was in Newport and 3 members from our group attended over the weekend. Conference is a great opportunity to be involved in policy making where you support or oppose motions and really define how you want your political party to be.

As well plenary you can talk part in discussion groups and workshops such as the Disability Group, Drug Policy and Reform, Greens of Colour, Green Women, Green Councillors Association, LGBTIQA, Young Greens and Wildlife and Habitats working group to name a few.

Or spend your time listening to talks on items such as Citizens Basic Income, Well Being of The Future of Wales Act, The Vegan Society and Greens for Animal Rights.

You get to meet other Greens from around the country and meet likeminded people.

Wales Green Party also hold a conference and this is will be on the 2nd and 3rd of November at the YMCA in Swansea.

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