Green Talk and Q&A – Guest SPeakers – Llangoed Village Hall

Our event on Anglesey was a great success! We had a panel of 4 speakers and a chair who asked questions of the audience. They ranged from Education, Investment into Services for Adults, Nuclear Free Anglesey and Voting Reform with Proportional representation.

The 4 speakers included

Baroness Natalie Bennett – Greenparty Lord

Anthony Slaughter – Wales Green Party Leader

Martin Schwaller – Candidate for Ynys Ynys Môn

Harriet King – North West Wales Green Party Chair

Both Natalie and Anthony bought copies of their books for us to view sign and purchase.

We planned this event before the election but it coincided well for the people of Anglesey to be able to ask some key figures in the Green Party the questions that matter to them.

 2 seperate sofas with a chair of the meeting sat inbetween. 

On the left sofa is Martin Schwaller and Natalie Bennet and on the right sofa is Anthony Slaughter and Harriet King
Martin Schwaller stood up with a rock containing extremely old fossils, the oldest in the UK which is what makes Ynys Mon Island a UNESCO Heritage site
3 rows of audience members on chairs in a semi circle
Harriet King Local Party Chair talking stood up
Deputy Leader of Wales Green Party Linda Rogers sat with hands on chest in middle of Nuclear Discussion
Left to Right

Councillor Martyn Hogg, Anthony Slaughter, Martin Schwaller, Natalie Bennett, Tomos Barlow and Lee Lavery

Stood with Vote Green signs - Green Background White Text.
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