The AGM in Menai Bridge was a great success even if we say so ourselves.
It was also the launch of our General Election candidate for Ynys Mon – Martin Schwaller. Both Martin & Anthony took questions from the attendees on various topics from Agriculture Policies to Child poverty rates on the Island and of course, what can be done to help the Palestinian people.

Our second guest speaker was Sian Skyes who paddled around the UK in 2018 highlighting the plight of litter on our water ways.
Sian talked us through her adventure, and shared stories, videos and pictures of her trip. We were shocked by how much litter Sian was collecting and the impact it was having on the eco systems.
Her gear was made as environmentally friendly as possible even down to the food she ate!
We all thoroughly enjoyed Sians talk and would highly recommend going to see one and hopefully, we’ll have her back in the future.
Who knows even a Greenparty Paddleboarding Litterpick could be arranged!

Excerpt from Anthony Speach “The Welsh writer and thinker Raymond William famously Said,
‘To be truly radical is to make hope possible rather than despair convincing’
And that is what we do as Greens. Our radical vision of a better future offers real hope to communities at a time when other major parties are most comfortable tinkering around the edges of a broken status quo”

Independence was also a key part of the meeting. The Green Party believes in an indepedenant wales however as Anthony said in his speech
“Independence is meaningless if people can’t afford safe, secure and warm homes
Independence is meaningless without radical reform of institutionally racist public bodies
Independence is meaningless if society continues to tolerate transphobia. homophobia and all forms of bigotry.
As Greens, we know that independence is meaningless without climate justice, social justice, economic justice and racial justice”
The Local Party Chair Report stated that we have 172 members in North West Wales currently and thanked the current committee for all their hard work they have put in over the last year.
Harriet went onto say
“I am sure that the new committee elected today and the volunteers we have will help continue in making these small but necessary steps to a Greener, independent Wales!”
She also stressed the need for more volunteers to help run the local party, fresh people and energy are needed. If anyone would like to volunteer than please get in contact via email
There is a record of the AGM available online if anyone couldn’t attend on the day