Second Call For Nominations – Welsh Parliament Elections 2021

Selection of the North Wales Green Party Regional List Candidates for the Welsh Parliament Elections 2021

Second Call for Nominations

As you may well be aware, the Welsh Parliament election allows for constituency candidates and a “regional list” from which members may be selected if the Green Party vote overall in the North Wales region passes certain criteria.

We are now calling for further nominations from members who would like to stand as prospective regional candidates for the North Wales region, as the initial response did not reflect the required level of diversity

Being an election candidate is vitally important as you will give every voter in your constituency or region the chance to vote Green. As a candidate you will also be uniquely placed to publicise our green message and shape the terms of the election debate. It is also possible that you could be elected as a member of the Welsh Parliament, giving you the chance to hold the Welsh Government to account and to promote Green Party policies in the Senedd.

Nominations will be considered by a selection meeting convened by the party election returning officer.

Candidates will be selected by party members using the STV method of proportional representation, with an option to reject all candidates and reopen nominations.

This nomination form is in three parts:

  1.    About me– who you are, what you are standing for. This is for your local Green Party Electoral Returning Officer (ERO) to use in organising the selection process.
  2.    Candidate Declaration– a requirement of our Constitution and to help us manage any potential media issues. This will be kept confidential to party officials.
  3.    Why me– your background and experience, why you should be selected. This will be shared with members to help them decide who to vote for in the selection process.

Once completed, please return this nomination form to Brian Laing (the Returning Officer) at by Friday 3rd July 2020.

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