Our AGM was last weekend, and sadly will be our last face to face meeting until it is safe to do so.
We had a really good day with our guest speakers including Anthony Slaughter, Green Party of Wales Leader and Nia Jones a PHD Student in Bangor who gave a fantastic talk about plastic pollution including about how microplastics and what science is being used to identify the amount of plastic in the food chain as well as the environment.
Anthony spoke the GreenParty call for solidarity with regards to Coronavirus and asked that we all help in our communities. The Coronavirus update can be found here
We also elected our new committee, some old faces, and some new faces. A big warm welcome to James as our Treasurer and Brian as the Elections Co-ordinator. The full committee can be found here
A big thank you to all those involved in helping keep our local party going.
From now on our meetings will be conducted virtually online, we will let you know about this nearer the time.