Bryn Cocyn Organic Farm Visit

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We’ve had a great day visiting Bryn Cocyn Organic Farm just outside Denbigh.  We met in the garden where the smell of Lavender filled the air and the sound and sights of honey bees, bumble bees and various butterflies around us.

We explored the polytunnel, vegetable plots and Orchard, Saw the apple press where they make delicious apple juice as well as paying a visit to the 2 different breeds of sheep and their Welsh Black cattle.

They have there own wind turbine and solar panels on the farm too reducing their carbon footprint. We also disucssed how climate change is affecting how they grow the vegetables in a shorter growing period.

Please enjoy the photos taken below and thank you to Joyce and Patrick for taking the time to show us around your farm.

You can read about the Green Partys farming policies here

You can read more about the farm on the link below
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