Today Denbighshire County Council has declared a Climate Emergency – exciting news for the future of the county and a critical step forward to securing a sustainable Wales.
Having now adopted a policy of being carbon neutral by 2030 – hopefully sooner – the Council can now work extensively towards this target. From using weed killers to implementing planning policies, this declaration will affect every decision the council makes going forward.
Our new Green Town Councillor Rachael Ayres, who represents the Upper ward in Denbigh said, This is fantastic news for Denbigh and the county. She is really looking forward being involved and helping to make any positive changes.
Having campaigned for the declaration of a climate emergency in a succesful protest organised by Extinction Rebellion at Saturday’s Ruthin Festival the North West Wales Green Party will continue to pressure Denbighshire County Council and make sure it acts upon today’s declaration. If you would like to join us at this exciting time – and maybe even volunteer or stand as a Councillor in Denbighshire – please contact us at